Portland injury attorney

Year: 2014

Bicycle Helmet Safety


Under the ORS 814.485 law, anyone under the age of 16 is required to wear a helmet when riding as an operator or rider of a bicycle on premises open to the public. The helmet must be labeled certifying they are compliant with the US CPSC standards. Bicycle helmet usage is not required by law… read more

Living with a Brain Injury

According to the CDC, 2.4 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) each year. A brain injury can change everything about a person in a matter of seconds. The effects of a brain injury vary greatly from person-to-person and depend on factors such as cause, location and severity. The top two causes of TBI… read more

Fitbit Data Is Now Being Used In Personal Injury Claims

Personal injury cases can be difficult to show that someone’s injuries keep them from doing their job or daily activities. How can you show that this person deserves thousands of dollars in compensation? Lawyers may soon be able to use quantifiable data provided by fitness trackers like the Fitbit for such cases. A law firm in… read more