Portland injury attorney


Accident Injury Claims Involving Public Transportation


What is The Procedure for Filing a Claim for Your Injuries? Suppose your accident included public transportation owned or operated by the government, such as a bus, train, or subway system. In that case, you may have the opportunity to seek compensation from the government entity responsible for overseeing the system. However, pursuing an injury-related… read more

The Difference Between Car Accident Injury Claims and Commercial Truck Accident Claims in Oregon


At our law firm, we take pride in our well-established reputation across Oregon for adeptly handling complex automobile and commercial truck accident claims. Our expertise is crucial in ensuring that our clients receive the justice and compensation they deserve. We specialize in cases that involve commercial truck drivers, including those operating 18-wheelers. Understanding the importance… read more

Winter Driving in Oregon, Are You Prepared?


The winter season poses a unique array of challenges for drivers. Blanketed in snow and ice, roads transform into hazardous pathways that demand heightened awareness and careful handling. At DuBois Law Group, we recognize the critical importance of being well-prepared for winter driving. This blog post is meticulously crafted to provide you with essential tips… read more

8 Myths About Personal Injury Attorneys

Navigating the legal system can be overwhelming, and misconceptions about hiring a lawyer only add to this complexity. It’s essential for those facing legal dilemmas to distinguish myths from realities. At DuBois Law Group in Portland, Oregon, our goal is to clarify these misconceptions, providing reliable information to help you confidently tackle legal challenges with… read more

Profound Insights on Icy Road Safety in Portland

In the scenic backdrop of Portland, Oregon, the winter season often unfolds a mesmerizing blend of beauty juxtaposed with harshness. While the snow-clad landscapes may appear dreamy, the icy roads underneath can be a hotspot for car accidents, demanding an undivided attention to safety. Driving on these glacial pathways poses challenges even for seasoned drivers…. read more

Pedestrian Accidents in the USA, and Here in Portland Oregon

The balance between vehicular traffic and pedestrian safety has always been a delicate issue in the dynamic ebb and flow of urban environments. As our cities expand and become more congested, ensuring the safety of those on foot becomes both more critical and more challenging. Unfortunately, pedestrian accidents have emerged as a pressing concern in… read more

Bicycle Safety in Urban and Rural Oregon

Cycling is more than just a mode of transportation in Oregon—it’s a way of life. The natural beauty of the Beaver State, combined with its commitment to sustainability, makes cycling both a practical commuting method and an outdoor adventure. While cycling offers numerous benefits, it also comes with inherent safety challenges, whether you’re navigating the… read more