Portland injury attorney


Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment

Mild Injury A mild traumatic brain injury doesn’t usually require medical treatment other than rest and overt-the-counter pain relievers to treat a headache. It is important to monitor your injury if is persistent, worsening or any new symptoms occur.   Visiting the doctor will help you recover with the proper steps and care. A doctor will… read more

Oregon Wrongful Death Claims: What you need to know


In Oregon, wrongful death is defined as “death caused by the wrongful act or omission of another”, and are typically caused by a negligent, reckless or intentional act. Wrongful death includes the same sort of actions that would support a personal injury claim if the deceased person had lived. The main difference between a wrongful… read more

Car Crash or Car Accident?

Insurance companies love to talk about “accidents”, because that word implies that your injury was nobody’s fault.  Insurance company lawyers like to use the word “accident” because they hope the jury will start to believe that the “accident” was not anybody’s fault.  In reality, an “accident” is usually caused by someone who wasn’t paying attention…. read more

The Effects of Drugged Driving

Similar to driving after consuming alcohol, driving after taking drugs can be a huge safety risk to the driver, passengers and others on the road. Why is drugged driving dangerous? Different drugs have various effects on how they act in the brain. For example, cocaine and methamphetamine can cause drivers to be aggressive and reckless… read more

Risks of Motorcycle Riding

Motorcycle riding can be much riskier than riding in a car.Motorcycles are smaller and lighter than cars and the riders are much more exposed. Motorcycle accidents have a higher rate of injury and death than car accidents. Some of the main risks of motorcycle riding are: Less visibility to cars: Motorcycles can be easily hidden… read more