Portland injury attorney

Having the Right UIM Coverage Makes a Difference

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In Oregon, every driver is required to have at least $25,000 in UIM (underinsured motorist coverage).  If you injury is worth $300,000, but the person who caused your injury only has $25,000 of insurance, then you could get stuck with just getting $25,000 unless you have good UIM.  If the at-fault driver’s insurance limits will not cover your injuries caused by the accident, you can file a claim against your own insurance company for the difference.  In some cases, even the UIM limits will not be enough to cover all your bills.

It is worth the money to talk to your insurance agent about getting a higher UIM limit on your policy.  It may be too late if you are already injured, but you can be prepared for the future.

If you have high UIM coverage, make sure your lawyer knowns how to get that money for you.  Any competent personal injury lawyer will know how to do that, but there are plenty of generalist lawyers who may not know how.