Portland injury attorney

Category: Personal Injury Law

Why Do I Need an Oregon Car Accident Lawyer?

If you have been the victim of a not-at-fault car accident, then you will likely need to find an Oregon car accident lawyer to assist you.  An experienced lawyer will be able to assist you in recovering any type of losses that are a direct result of your car accident, and help to reduce the… read more

What Is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

What is a broken arm worth? How about a bulging vertebral disc that causes nerve pain down the arm for six months until surgery fixes it? What if the surgery doesn’t work? Unfortunately, there is no concrete science on how to determine how much an injury case is worth since each case is as different… read more

Car Crash or Car Accident?

Insurance companies love to talk about “accidents”, because that word implies that your injury was nobody’s fault.  Insurance company lawyers like to use the word “accident” because they hope the jury will start to believe that the “accident” was not anybody’s fault.  In reality, an “accident” is usually caused by someone who wasn’t paying attention…. read more