Portland injury attorney

Year: 2015

Safe Driving Tips in Foggy Conditions


With all the morning fog in Portland last week, it is important to drive safely in these conditions. Pay attention to local weather conditions to check when there is possible fog in the mornings and/or evening and adjust your driving habits accordingly. Allow extra room in between other vehicles to avoid a collision. Use fog… read more

What is a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?


Wrongful death claims are brought against a defendant who caused the death of someone else due to negligence or intentional harm. A wrongful death claim is when a relative of the deceased person files a lawsuit against the party who is legally liable for the death. One of the most common situations for a wrongful… read more

Who is at fault in a pedestrian-car accident?

People always remember the old adage “the pedestrian has the right of way”, but that is not always true from a legal standpoint. If you see someone run across the road in the middle of traffic, your first instinct is to believe it is the pedestrian’s fault. Ultimately in a personal injury case, the jurors… read more

The Dangers of Drowsy Driving

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration over 83,000 vehicle crashes and 1,000 fatalities a year are due to drowsy driving.  Many people recognize that drowsy driving is underreported as a main cause of car crashes. Sleepiness can increase the risk of auto crashes because it impairs performance and can ultimately lead to the… read more

Who is Liable if your Child is Injured?

Many parents are not aware of who is liable for acts of their minor children. In most states the concept of parental responsibility applies to criminal and civil acts of the child.  State legislatures have confirmed that an innocent victim should not have the financial burden of property damage or medical expenses that results from… read more