Portland injury attorney

Year: 2015

Portland Ranked 10th Worst for Traffic in the Country


A study done by TomTom measured congestion in 200 cities throughout the world. The results are in and Portland ranked as the 10th worst city for traffic congestion in the United States. The methodology behind the study was to measure travel times during the entire day and during peak period to compare them with travel… read more

How Various BAC Levels Affect your Driving

Alcohol-impaired motor vehicle crashes cost more than an estimated $37 billion annually. About one-third of the drunk driving arrests, crashes, deaths and injuries come from repeat offenders. All states have a legal limit of .08% BAC (blood alcohol concentration) for drivers over the age of 21 operating a motor vehicle. It is illegal for any… read more

The Basics of Liability Insurance

Every driver in Oregon is required to have liability insurance.  Liability insurance is meant to protect you if you are legally responsible for an automobile accident. If you are driving and hurt someone else, your liability insurance will provide you with a lawyer, and will pay the injured person whatever amount he or she is… read more

Oregon State Study Shows New Distractions Teen Drivers Face


A new study by Oregon State University found that teenage drivers in the Northwest understand the message about the dangers of texting and driving, but they don’t recognize other activities that can cause them to lose focus on the road. Teens believe they are great at multi-tasking but when behind the wheel, it can be… read more

Oregon’s Deadliest Crashes Since 1946

In 1946, the Oregon Department of Transportation began keeping track of fatal traffic crashes. The Oregonian researched and verified the crashes making an interactive map of Oregon showing where the 47 deadliest motor-vehicle crashes occurred. The deadliest crash on I-5 in Oregon occurred December 23, 1965 when a Greyhound bus lost control on ice and 14… read more

The Personal Injury Process

Here is a checklist of some steps you’ll want to consider in settling your case. Please note, this is not a list of what we do. As lawyers, we are able to take advantage of the legal system to do things differently. This is a helpful checklist of items that we hope the average person… read more