Portland injury attorney

Injury Victim of Driver Running Red Light

This is a real story about one of our real clients. All names of individuals have been changed to protect the innocent and the guilty alike. But names of insurance companies are real, and the details of what happened have not been changed.

“Danny” was driving in NE Portland when another driver ran a red light. This driver hit Danny, and then continued on to hit several other cars as well. The accident cause Danny to lost consciousness after being hit, and was taken by ambulance to the hospital. There, he was Xray-ed and diagnosed.

Due to continuing pain in his chest, neck, and back Danny was forced to seek treatment from a chiropractor, a massage therapist, and an acupuncturist. Danny was most concerned, however, about the headaches, loss of sleep, and shooting pains in his right leg – all signs of a more serious head injury.

Danny’s car was totaled, and although he got a rental car, the rental was only available for a limited amount of time – and insurance for the bad driver (Farmers) had not yet paid for his property damages.

With these concerns about a head injury and needing compensation for his car, Danny decided to seek legal advice from an experienced car accident attorney in Portland. He starting asking around and heard about DuBois Law Group’s reputation for treating all clients with personal attention.