Portland injury attorney

Knee, Hip, and Thigh Injuries After a Car Crash

Serious road accidents happen every day in Oregon. Reading the newspaper accounts or watching the news flashes on the television, it’s easy to become somewhat immune to thoughts of what has happened to the people inside the mangled masses of metal that were, a short time earlier, fine looking automobiles or SUV’s.

Portland personal injury lawyers see the damage caused from the human side of the crash. They know the pain, ongoing suffering and incredible expense those accidents can cause to the unfortunate victims. In severe accidents, vehicle occupants will almost certainly have one or a combination of knee, hip, and thigh injuries after a car crash – meaning their troubles have only just begun.

Common Types of Injuries After a Car Crash: Knee, Hip, and Thigh Injuries

When Portland personal injury lawyers assess the damage done to their clients, they will try to determine what types of knee, hip and thigh injuries have been sustained, how long they will take to heal, and what expenses will be incurred, in terms of treatment, as well as loss of earnings and the negative impact on day to day living.

Knee injuries can be exceptionally painful, and because the knee joint is so complex, the healing process can take much longer. In some cases, full recovery may simply not be possible. Types of knee injury include:

  • PCL (Posterior Collateral Ligament) damage. Associated after effects are severe pain, swelling around the joint and frequent buckling of the knee when trying to walk.
  • Dislocated knees
  • Ruptured tendons
  • Knee fractures
  • Hyperextension of the knee ligaments, caused by the severe twisting that occurred on impact
  • ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament), the most common knee injury in an accident, is caused when the ligament supporting the outside of the knee is stretched or torn. If the ligament ruptures, the pain is excruciating, and a return to full mobility of the joint may not be possible.

Injuries Should be Treated Quickly to Avoid Permanent Damage 

Injuries to the thigh area don’t tend to involve ligaments or tendons so much. In cases where a dashboard or steering wheel crushes a person’s legs, one frequent outcome is a fractured femur, which is the large bone that runs from your hip all the way to your knee. Fractured femurs often require surgery. Pins will be installed to help the bone heal correctly. Because the femur is crucial to the entire hip-thigh-knee alignment, it must be treated quickly and correctly to avoid permanent damage. Extensive rehabilitation may be required even after a surgical repair.

Front-end collisions also lead to a large number of hip injuries. This type of trauma can take many forms. All are exceedingly painful, and there are a number of possible treatments and procedures a patient may have to endure if their hips have been damaged. Injuries include:

  • Dislocation of the hip joint, which may require the insertion of surgical plates and screws to insure the joint mends properly
  • Hip fractures. In severe cases, and particularly with older patients, a full or partial hip replacement may be required. Afterwards, a prolonged stay in hospital is likely, followed by restricted mobility and long-term rehabilitation. Medical and treatment costs are extremely high in such instances.
  • Fractured, bruised or dislocated pelvis. The femur bone, pelvis and hips are all linked, and anything from severe and painful bruising to fractures and dislocations of the pelvis are not uncommon in violent front-end collisions.

Injuries to the Lower Body Can Seriously Affect Your Way of Life

When a car or truck is in a front-end collision, a steering wheel can slam down on the driver’s legs with sickening force. The dashboard may collapse onto the front seat passenger’s legs, and anyone in the vehicle could be thrown around the interior if the car rolls or slams into another object after the initial impact. In such instances, and particularly for those traveling in the front of the vehicle, the knees, hips and thighs can sustain severe damage. These knee, hip, and thigh injuries after a car crash can be serious and long-term.

This, in turn, can have a horribly negative impact on the quality of life for some time to come. Since we rely on our lower body for mobility and the strength to support and stabilize our upper body, damage to ligaments, bones, tendons and joints in the lower body can mean an extended period of pain, hospitalization and expensive rehabilitation.

Get the Help You Need to Pay Medical Bills by Filing a Personal Injury Claim

As we’ve stated, knee, hip, and thigh injuries after a car crash are common; they’re painful, debilitating and expensive. It’s crucially important, however, to seek out the medical attention you need to stop a bad situation from getting far worse. Once you’ve done that, be sure to contact one of the experienced and compassionate Portland personal injury lawyers, who will guide you through the processes of dealing with the insurance companies, coping with the medical expenses, and getting the compensation you need and deserve.