Portland injury attorney

Oregon Personal Injury Law Office

Oregon Personal Injury Law Office Location:

DuBois Law Group
1553 SE Tolman Street
Portland, OR 97202
Phone: (503) 222-4411

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We refuse to take so many cases that we cannot remember our clients’ names. We refuse to fight the traffic downtown to work in an anonymous high-rise, choosing instead to work out of a converted bungalow in SE Portland for our Oregon personal injury law office. We limit the number of cases we take so we can spend lots of time on the cases we do take. We enjoy working that way, and we believe that it gets better results for you. We turn down far more cases than we accept. But if we do take your case, we guarantee that you and your case will get the time and attention you deserve.

If you are looking for a lawyer, please remember – not all lawyers are created equal. We encourage you to find an Oregon personal injury law office that you feel comfortable with. We love our work. We believe this passion makes us better lawyers, but mostly we want to help injured Oregonians – if you need a referral, we can help with that as well. Call (503) 222-4411 to start discussing your specific case.