Portland injury attorney

Author: DuBois Admin

The McDonald’s Coffee Case—A Myth Explained

There seems to be more and more criticism of personal injury lawsuits. People have tried to claim compensation for some very frivolous injuries. We hate frivolous lawsuits more than anyone. We make our living pursuing justice in the courts, and frivolous lawsuits give the courts and justice a bad name. Most personal injury suits are… read more

Limits on Non-economic Damages.


In personal injury cases, there are two basic forms of “damages” a client may recover: economic and non-economic damages. Some lawyers will refer to them as “general” and “special” damages, but the correct terms are economic and non-economic damages. Most wrongful death damages are determined by law using the criteria defined earlier (see the ORS 30.020 damages described… read more

Securing Evidence in a Timely Manner

Immediately after the death of a loved one, you are likely in no condition to be talking with lawyers, thinking about legalities, or, certainly, securing evidence. But we can promise you, the insurance company and lawyers for the person or company responsible for the death will not hesitate. They will rush out and gather whatever… read more

Reaching a Settlement


Once a settlement offer has been made, it is your lawyer’s job to advise you as to whether the offer is reasonable given the risks of a trial. But it is the personal representative’s job – not the lawyer’s – to make the final decision as to whether to accept a settlement offer. A judge… read more